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12th June 2018Watch Dr Bela talking about the most important things to be included in your New Year’s Resolution for 2018.
….or you are reading this blog post anytime after the beginning of the year and missed the mythical moment fitting for a New Year’s Resolution? Don’t worry for a minute! Call it a 90 Day Challenge and do it any time of the year.
Don’t forget, it is only you (and your loved ones) who benefit if you take responsibility for your own life and start to change things that need to be changed.
Do you know Einstein’s definition of insanity?
It is “Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.”
So, if you are unhappy with anything in your life a New Year’s Resolution (or a 90 Day Challenge) is a good vehicle to make a difference.
Don’t hesitate more, watch the video and ACTION!
How to make a powerful New Year’s Resolution?
- 90 DAYS: it takes 90 days to change a habit or establish a new one. So you need to set a frame of 90 days! If it is at any other time of the year – other than January – it is called a 90 Day Challenge. It is definitely a challenge, outside your comfort zone for 90 days J
- Clear RECORD: you need to define your goals clearly, such as “I am going to the gym 3 times a week.” or “I am going to make fresh organic green juice 4 times a week.” or “I am going to lose a stone by changing to the Mediterranean Diet”.
- ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER: you need to find a person who keeps you accountable for your progress and keeps an eye on you.
- EVIDENCE: you should share evidence of your progress, such as pictures in the gym or on your healthy dishes daily or weekly.
- SWIMMING WITH SHARKS: to be successful in your challenge you might need to find some new friends, who invite you to the gym instead of the pub or for a run instead of eating the fifth cake today…
- ONLY 1 or 2: don’t pick more than 1 or two challenges; believe me, it will be enough to complete.
- PAINFUL PLEDGE: we need a painful pledge to keep us on track, otherwise we could fail easily. It can be for example £500 for your ex-partner that she/he MUST spend on their current partner if you fail with your goal(s) maximum 3 times during the 90 days! Would it be painful? Would it keep you on track?
I wish you good luck with your Challenge!
Dr Bela
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