Profhilo® dermal fillers at the Chiswick Clinic, West London improve and revitalise the skin on the face, neck or body with the power of pure hyaluronic acid.
Profhilo® hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are the best and safest entry into the world of fillers. A safe, subtle, non-surgical anti-ageing solution that improves hydration and elasticity for glowing, youthful skin – with no downtime!
Profhilo® is an ultra-pure hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal filler injectable treatment.
Ultra-pure means that HA is the sole ingredient used in Profhilo®. IBSA, the manufacturer uses patented technology (NAHYCO) to combine ultra-high and low molecular weight HA into a hybrid HA molecule which gives it a prolonged efficacy. Dermal means that it is a superficial treatment targeting the skin. The treatment offers improvements to the texture, elasticity and hydration of the skin. However, it is NOT a deep volumising treatment. It should be administered every 6 months for the best result.
Profhilo® is a pure hyaluronic acid (HA) filler treatment for the skin. It improves its texture, elasticity and hydration, so it is suitable for anybody (male or female) from the age of 30 and above. The treatment consists of 2 syringes of filler administered every 4 weeks. Results develop gradually over time and produce more youthful-looking, glowing skin. The treatment is quick, safe and minimally invasive.
In the case of elderly patients with sagger or damaged skin; a 3rd syringe is recommended 4 weeks after the second.
The face, neck, arms and the body can be treated to achieve stronger, toned and hydrated skin.
Profhilo® is a dermal filler, so the skin is injected superficially, while volumising fillers, such as the Juvederm range used by Dr Bela are administered into the deeper layers of the tissues.
Profhilo® is developed to improve the skin. Volumising or soft tissue fillers are developed to counteract age-related volume loss and consequential sagginess of the tissues.
These two treatments beautifully complement each other. Profhilo® can be a great introduction to the world of fillers. After assessing the improved areas using Profhilo®, if you and Dr Bela still think you would benefit from deeper volumising fillers, they can be added to your treatment plan.
Profhilo® is a pure hyaluronic acid (HA) filler which is superficially injected into the skin. The injection technique is minimally invasive and considered very safe.
It is injected into 2×5 points, so-called BAPs (Bio Aesthetic Points) on the face, arms or the body. Due to the physical qualities of Profhilo®, it spreads underneath the skin on its own (no massage is needed) approximately 4cm around the injection points, visibly improving the elasticity, tonicity and hydration of the skin.
For elderly patients or patients with areas of deeper concern, a third syringe is recommended 4 weeks after the second.
The longevity of Profhilo® is approximately 6 months, so it is recommended to be repeated two times a year to maintain optimum results.
Profhilo® can be administered to the skin of the face, neck, arms or body. This pure hyaluronic acid (HA) filler that spreads from the injection points; improves the elasticity, tonicity and hydration of the skin resulting in a visible glow and fullness.
This improvement of the skin’s vitality is called Bioremodelling.
The Profhilo® treatment is sometimes referred to as the ‘lunchtime treatment’. At Dr Bela Clinic a 30-minute appointment is required (except the initial consultation and treatment which is 45 minutes, to leave time for the necessary paperwork).
After the initial photographs are taken, the skin will be thoroughly cleansed and the injection points are marked up. Profhilo® is administered superficially into the skin, so numbing cream is not needed and the treatment is safe.
There are 5 injections per side, 10 in total. Straight after the treatment, the skin will be cleansed again gently.
Dr Bela will apply Profhilo’s Haenkenium cream which contains hyaluronic acid and Salvia haenkei extract with natural antioxidant effects. This cream protects, restores and further improves your skin.
Finally, you will leave with Viscoderm Cover UP, a sterile fluid foundation especially developed for safe, post-treatment application. So, by the time you are back at your desk or in front of your Zoom camera, there is nothing visible for others to see.
One treatment consists of the application of 2 syringes of Profhilo. The second session is recommended 4 weeks after the first one. For those with looser skin, a third syringe might be necessary for optimal results.
Important caveat: Profhilo® is administered in a 0.2ml bolus into the skin and it spreads from here on its own. This HA bolus is visible for a couple of hours, a maximum 24. However, with the foundation on, it is truly barely visible to others.
In the pictures below you can see Dr Bela’s wife’s skin straight after the treatment, after the application of the foundation and one hour later in a coffee shop. You may be aware of it, but it is invisible to others!
Profhilo® is administered into the skin superficially. It means a couple of things: it is safe and comes with minimal discomfort (according to Dr Bela’s wife, it is 3-4 out of 10).
Injection site bruising is highly unlikely, but it can happen. There is minimal swelling and redness, which is covered by a sterile, liquid foundation.
After the treatment, please don’t touch the injection points to avoid infection. Exercise and sauna should be avoided on the day, and alcohol consumption is not recommended.
Profhilo® is an ultra-pure hyaluronic acid (HA) filler, stabilised with the patented NAHYCO technology. While the cross-linked deep volumising fillers have a longevity of 18 months and require yearly maintenance, Profhilo® needs reapplication two times a year to maintain its benefits.
One treatment consists of 2 syringes of Profhilo®. The second syringe is recommended 4 weeks after the first one. For elderly patients, a third syringe might be necessary for optimal results in another 4 weeks.
The maintenance treatment is recommended every 6 months and it is identical to the original treatment every time.
The treatment consists of the administration of 2 syringes of Profhilo® dermal fillers. The second procedure follows the first after 4 weeks. Elderly patients or patients with looser skin may need a third syringe.
This procedure is recommended to be repeated two times a year for optimal results.
Profhilo® is a pure hyaluronic acid (HA) filler which is superficially injected into the skin. The injection technique is minimally invasive and safe.
It is injected into 10 points on the neck, arms or the body. Due to the physical qualities of Profhilo, it spreads on its own (no massage is needed) approximately 4cm around the injection points, visibly improving the elasticity, tonicity and hydration of the skin.
For elderly patients or in case of looser skin, a third syringe is recommended 4 weeks after the second appointment.
The longevity of Profhilo® is approximately 6 months, so it is recommended to be repeated two times a year to maintain the skin’s strength and glow.
Yes, these treatment modalities beautifully complement each other.
Botox is the treatment of the upper third of the face: frown, forehead and crow feet areas. Usually, Botox is the entry treatment to the world of non-surgical aesthetic treatments.
For the middle and lower third of the face where age-related volume loss and skin laxity show up the most, fillers are the main treatment option.
Here we have three main options: hyaluronic acid (HA) volumising fillers, HArmonyCa a new Hybrid (HA+CaHA) filler which improves the skin quality as well and Profhilo®. Watch this short video to understand how these products can be combined in a holistic treatment plan.
Face or Neck (1 syringe, 2ml) first treatment | £300 |
Face or Neck (1 syringe, 2ml) second treatment | £300 |
Face or Neck (1 syringe, 2ml) third treatment IF NEEDED | £200 |
Body (1 syringe, 3ml) first treatment | £350 |
Body (1 syringe, 3ml) second treatment | £350 |
Body (1 syringe, 3ml) third treatment IF NEEDED | £250 |
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