Initial aesthetic consultation with Dr Bela at the Chiswick Clinic, West London


  • Having an initial skincare consultation before any cosmetic procedure is paramount.
  • There is NO pressure on you to book or proceed with any treatment afterwards.
  • There is a recommended 24-hour ‘cooling off period’ after this skincare consultation.
  • An initial skincare consultation is a good chance for you to ask all your questions from a medical professional about aesthetic treatments

so, you can make informed decisions later.

There is a £50 fee (redeemable from any aesthetic treatment within 3 months).

We cannot express the significance of the initial consultation enough if you are new to facial aesthetic procedures such as Botox injections or Dermal fillers or you are new to Dr Bela. The initial skincare consultation is about giving you the proper information that empowers you to be able to make informed decisions about your future treatments and allows Dr Bela to find out more about you, your needs and expectations. This is the foundation of a successful partnership between you and the Doctor.

Find out more about how you can ensure the safety of your treatments.

A typical aesthetic patient thinks differently as the signs of ageing show up on their face and body.

During the 20s: “I would never have fillers or Botox in my face…”
During the 30s: “I have had a look on fillers and Botox, but I am too embarrassed to ask and afraid of having them.”
During the 40s: “I need something, but I don’t know where to start…”
During the 50s or later: “… I wish I had found out earlier about non-surgical procedures…”

…and if someone is only still thinking about having dermal fillers in their 60s, it might be too late. Of course, there are patients undergoing these procedures at quite young age and others never having them.

My recommendation for someone on this journey is having a personal consultation with a good practitioner who can take the interest of the patient first and give them valuable information and recommendations for their best look. A good doctor has to say ‘No’ for certain patient requests if it is in their best interest.

In a study conducted in the UK, a large portion of women said that they had been thinking about having treatment, in some cases for as long as 10 years, but never had the courage to contact a clinic and ask about it. If you think that you would benefit from non-surgical treatments, but you don’t want to commit yourself to any doctor or clinic straight away, then you have two options with Dr Bela:

  1. You can talk to one of Dr Bela’s Patient Ambassadors, patient to patient, without any obligation.
  2. You can book an initial consultation with Dr Bela, also without any obligation.
    Give yourself a chance and learn about facial aesthetics from reliable sources. Let us know which option suits you best.

In a study conducted in the UK, a very typical answer was that women felt guilty and vain for wanting to look better for their age.
This point can be approached from many angles, starting from whether you feel guilty when going to a hairdresser or a beauty salon to look and feel better. Facial aesthetics treatments have the same basic aim: looking and feeling better and more confident.
This is not a question of vanity, rather a necessity in our increasingly competitive world, where we should do our best to stay in the game. Different studies show beauty has its own rewards, such as higher salary and more attention. Even babies as young as 3 months prefer the beautiful face, so they recognise it by instinct. We also subconsciously assess the smoothness of the skin as part of beauty and we link the whole picture to good genes, good general health and fertility. Attractive people are viewed as honest and helpful while unattractive people are viewed as rude and unfair.
So it is worth looking the best we can for our age.

Watch what Sarah thinks about this question.

Yes. Both of these treatment modalities have been used for decades, authorised by FDA and European authorities and backed by good quality medical studies. Millions of treatments have been performed so far. Both treatments have their own safety profile and contraindications (like pregnancy and breastfeeding or any skin infection at the injection site) which is covered in detail during the initial consultation, the consent forms and prior the treatment by Dr Bela.

Find out more about the Safe Aesthetic Treatments Campaign and how it can ensure your safety during cosmetic treatments.

Yes. Both Botox injections and hyaluronic acid fillers have been studied and used for decades already. These are the most popular non-surgical facial aesthetic treatments worldwide. So, we know well how they work in our hands. For this reason, patients can expect predictable results from these treatments.

Having said that, we are on the grounds of biology and physiology, so there are differences among patients in how they react. Some of them have a bit less duration, while others much longer than expected. All studies rely on the average performance. Read our disclaimer at the bottom of the page.

I would like to tell a story here. One of my patients told me during the initial consultation that she lost her husband 3 years ago and when she looks in the mirror the only thing she sees is grief.

When she came back after the procedure she said that it has changed her relationship with herself; now she looks and feels more positive, refreshed and more confident. This is an amazing achievement.

The initial consultation is about getting to know each other; a chemistry meeting. I listen to you and understand your perception of yourself and the desired improvements. I give you a broad understanding of the ageing process and point out the strengths and weaknesses of your face and suggest a treatment plan based on that, including priorities and prices. I also answer your related questions. This consultation lasts app. 45 minutes and has a fee of £50, which is redeemable from any cosmetic treatment within 3 months.

Find out more about the Safe Aesthetic Treatments Campaign and how it can ensure your safety during cosmetic treatments.

I think a free aesthetic consultation is an amazing opportunity because you have the chance to sit down with an experienced Dermatologist & Cosmetic Doctor free of charge, free of obligation and talk about your concerns and desires freely in a professional manner. Furthermore, you will gain valuable information about possible treatments, your personal treatment plan recommendations, safety and prices. So, you can put yourself in a position when you can make informed decisions about your treatment, whether you wish to proceed or not.

I encourage my patients to have the initial consultation prior the first treatment. So, when you leave my office, you have the chance to make your own research, read the information material that I give you, discuss with your spouse and have a night sleep on it. Once you have made our informed decision, you can book your treatment whenever it suits you.

If you are still hesitant to book a free consultation with Dr Bela, you have several options left:

  1. You can visit Dr Bela’s Facebook page, where you can watch videos about him talking and treating and you can come to the consultation to an already familiar doctor.
  2. You can watch some videos in the blog section too.
  3. You can contact Dr Bela and ask for the phone number of one of his Patient Ambassadors (PA), who are Dr Bela’s patients for years. So, you have the opportunity to have a peer-to-peer chat, ask your questions and address your concerns.

You can read about the GMC’s recommendations for patients who are thinking about having a cosmetic procedure by clicking the link. There are a number of things you may want to think about before making your decision.

Dr Bela’s GMC registration number is 7083747

*DISCLAIMER: Individual results and their perception will vary from person to person. Specific results thus cannot be guaranteed. Please read the Disclaimer and Privacy Notice at the bottom of this page.